I have four guinea pigs in two C&C cages. I have been using Fleece Flippers as bedding for the past two or three months. Before that I used a combination of towels and Carefresh in litter boxes. The Fleece Flippers work much better. They stay fresher and are easier to switch out, sweep off, and launder than towels. Also, the piggies can't chew them or snag their nails on them like they do with towels. They don't get dust and litter on my floors like Carefresh and they will ultimately cost less.
I tidy my cages once daily by sweeping out the poos, hay, and hair. I have two complete sets of Flippers for each cage so I can switch the potty area Flippers whenever they are dirty. I determine when they need to be switched by smell and wetness. I usually switch out an average of two Flippers per day between both cages. I launder the Flippers as instructed, using vinegar and unscented detergent. I will say that I have to be careful not to get coroplast cuts when reassembling the Flippers, but once I got used to being careful, assembly is fairly simple. I spend about 20-30 minutes cleaning up my two cages daily (including time spent changing water and feeding hay and pellets). I do a load of Flipper laundry every three days.
In the summer the Flippers soiled more quickly due to higher humidity and heat (even with air conditioning). Now that the weather is cooler and the air drier, they stay fresh longer.
Guests often compliment me on the look of my cages and the lack of smell. My whole family enjoys watching our piggies as they live comfortably on the soft Flippers. They are a great bedding choice for anyone who enjoys spending time with their piggies daily and provide them with a healthy, clean living space.